Thursday, February 24, 2011

Brave New World

So, Libya. AM I RIGHT?!

I mean, holy fuck, this is an actual revolution happening half-way around the world. This is a textbook revolution with an overly-oppresive, egomaniacal tyrant who's unleashing five inch-long bullets on his people, whom he's deemed "backwards" and drug-addled. We don't know how many have died or what's happened to those who are missing. We don't know when Tripoli will fall or when Gaddafi will step down and/or be assassinated. I am at a loss as to how to even describe all of this completely insane shit in a single blog post. Or even multiple blog posts. I feel so dumb trying to encapsulate any of this with my ridiculous writing.

Oh jeez. I'm with you, Libya. Do your thang, I'm with you.

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