Sunday, March 13, 2011

Look At My Fucking Clichés

A Sestina on Religion, Smoking, and Winter Wind

“I like this place because it’s empty and wild”

she said while taking a long breath out of her fag

pulling the smoke in deep to hold within her throat

like an internal necklace fingered for warmth and solace,

glittering, as she considered the immaculate conception.

It fell apart as she decided virginity was a human error

Which she figured, to think of was also an error

for it was not meant to be questioned within the wild

glades of the man-made religion, within the conception

of our own purity and innocence. She thumbed out the fag

on the concrete railing. “Is religion something to seek solace

in?” she posed to me, “Or should the prayers stay in our throats

To keep them warm?” her scarf fell from her throat

revealing the sensual weakness that was the God-made error

of all humanity. She continually sought her solace,

this girl, within the bizarre intelligence of Wilde

or within the trailing smoke of a poetic fag,

and with the belief in human conception

Being, at its base, fallible. It began with conception,

when the fetus feels out life in the echoes of its throat,

reverberating inside the womb. She pulled out another fag

and struck the match against the rail. It was her error

believing this world, outside her, was wild

yet so easily dismantled for her so that she may find solace

Among her own thoughts and the breakdown of this world. Solace

is not so easily found when sought and she strayed back to the immaculate conception

that everyone was in their own tidy box, while the cold air made her heart beat wild

in her throat

and suddenly she was aware of her error

as she flicked that fag.

At one time she had used the word fag

lightly as she sought solace

in the everyday use of labels, degrading the world into a train of error

breaking it down into the simple conception

that everyone and everything was detestable. She caught her scarf back to her throat

and the smoke flickered on the air and the wild

Of the moment. And as she pulled out another fag, repeating the same action and rethinking the conception

that all humans desire is solace, the icy wind caught her thoughts by the throat

and she felt the error of the world disappear, and it become again empty and wild.

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