Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer Glare

So, it's been about four weeks since I've come home from school and I've done absolutely nothing of consequence. During the school year I told myself I'd do awesome and amazingly artsy things (which don't seem so incredible now, meh), and I'd read awesome and amazingly witty books and discover bands that were beyond-NPR unknown, all while maintaining incredibly fashionable-ness. So far I've succeeded in lounging about my tiny, confining, and Pledge-drenched house in sweats and going to the library every other day to stock up on Alan Moore comics. At least back at school, every night promised at least two streets full of glitzy shitshows. WHERE IS MY GLAMOUR, I ask you?! WHERE IS MY SUMMER FAERIE-DUST MAGIC brought to me on the wings of gyrating golden dust motes?! This is bullshit. And mostly I think it's just me not being imaginative enough to take advantage of all this downtime. Then I remember, Palo Alto is not meant for creative, intrepid acts of awesomeness. So I'm stuck. Deliver me.

P.S. My mom is currently offering me lessons in Panjabi cooking with a huge, silly grin - this is the peak of today's excitement.