Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mr. Sandman


Long Time

it's been a really long time since i've written anything for this blog. it might be because i've been busy, or because i haven't had any inspiration, or because there are like two readers (i love you, iva). i think, though, it's really because i've been terrified of leaving any written mark, however infinitesimal, on the world. it's different when it's a journal that you can hide or brandish at will - that stuff's edgy and oh so private. this most definitely isn't.
despite my bitching, do you like the new look? i also think i'll stop capitalizing in the commentary - it feels much more audacious than i currently am.

A Sonnet, only not really, to my English lecture love:

Blue eyes, straw hair
I see you sitting there
In your way
4 rows away.

If only you knew of the indecent thoughts going through my mind.